- Ahmed, F FAHMED@emsb.qc.ca
- Aktar, S saktar@emsb.qc.ca
- Anania, S SANANIA@emsb.qc.ca
- Barnes, C CBARNES@emsb.qc.ca
- Bergevin, M MBERGEVIN@emsb.qc.ca
- Bourdeau, B BBOURDEAU@emsb.qc.ca
- Bouvy, E EBOUVY@emsb.qc.ca
- Castonguay, A acastonguay@emsb.qc.ca
- Chan, D DCHAN@emsb.qc.ca
- Christie, R RCHRISTIE@emsb.qc.ca
- Chung, F NCHUNG@emsb.qc.ca
- Clabrough, C CCLABROUGH@emsb.qc.ca
- Delvecchio, L LDELVECCHIO@emsb.qc.ca
- Douglas, R RDOUGLAS@emsb.qc.ca
- Drakopoulos, C CDRAKOPOULOS@emsb.qc.ca
- Drever, R RDrever@emsb.qc.ca
- Fairchild, D DFAIRCHILD@emsb.qc.ca
- Fairservice, TTFAIRSERVICE@emsb.qc.ca
- Garrety, S SGARRETY@emsb.qc.ca
- Green, R RGREEN@emsb.qc.ca
- Heasman, B BHeasman@emsb.qc.ca
- Jafralie, S SJAFRALIE@emsb.qc.ca
- Jones, P PJONES@emsb.qc.ca
- Kanghem, T TKANGHEM@emsb.qc.ca
- Kim, J JKIM@emsb.qc.ca
- Kosow, J JKOSOW@emsb.qc.ca
- Krystantos, V VKrystantos@emsb.qc.ca
- Lavoie, R RLAVOIE@emsb.qc.ca
- Leclaire, E ELECLAIRE@emsb.qc.ca
- Loomer, B BLOOMER@emsb.qc.ca
- Malde, M MMALDE@emsb.qc.ca
- Mapp, T TMAPP@emsb.qc.ca
- Meades, A ameades1@emsb.qc.ca
- Nevolo, J JNevolo@emsb.qc.ca
- O'Connor, P poconnor@emsb.qc.ca
- O'Sullivan, K. KOSullivan@emsb.qc.ca
- Ould Hammou, N NOULDHAMMOU@emsb.qc.ca
- Paredes, R MPAREDES@emsb.qc.ca
- Pemberton, R RPemberton@emsb.qc.ca
- Pilkey, E EPilkey@emsb.qc.ca
- Ruddick, R RRUDDICK@emsb.qc.ca
- Sipos, K KSIPOS@emsb.qc.ca
- Stevenson, R RSTEVENSON@emsb.qc.ca
- Tevel, E ETEVEL@emsb.qc.ca
- Thomasson, V VThomasson@emsb.qc.ca
- Turcotte, M MTURCOTTE@emsb.qc.ca
Teacher Profiles:
Highlighting our
multi-talented teachers at WHS!

Millie Malde
AP Environmental Science and Physics
Our March Featured Teacher
Millie Malde teaches the AP Environmental Science and Physics courses at WHS. She aspired to be a teacher from a very young age because of her love of teaching children math and science. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Math and Physics, a Bachelor of Education, and a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership from McGill University. Prior to starting her teaching career twenty years ago, Ms. Malde worked in technology – building and servicing custom computers. Since then, she volunteered training elementary school science teachers through the Eclairs des Sciences program. Using her vast experience in competitive public speaking, she coached students for public speaking competitions, one of which reached a national level. Her published Master’s thesis, “The Enjoyment Factor: Examining the Relationship between Enjoying and Understanding Science” challenged the widely held notion that the more exciting a science lesson, the better. One of the most notable impacts Ms. Malde has had on WHS since her arrival in 2011 was the implementation of the recycling and composting program. Because of her efforts, WHS was the first school to have an almost fully compostable cafeteria service tray. Ms. Malde transmits her love of physics to her students, in particular on motion and energy because it is so connected to the students’ real-life experiences. She has high academic standards and builds a solid foundation that serves them well into their CEGEP and university careers in the sciences. She encourages students to express their ideas clearly, to think critically and uses a constructivist approach to teaching and learning. She meets students where they are and works hard to help them progress. She loves working at WHS because of the strong community feel and how connected everyone is to each other.

Ryan Ruddick
English Language Arts Teacher (Senior) :
Our December Featured Teacher
Ryan Ruddick holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature and Linguistics from the University of Alberta, a Bachelor of Education degree in Secondary Teaching in English Language Arts, and a Master of Arts degree in Educational Leadership, both of which from McGill University. For the last 14 years, Ryan has brought his love of language to his WHS English classes, teaching students how to develop their capacity for self-expression through his interest in writing and poetry. One of his own poems (written in response to a song by one WHS alumni Leonard Cohen, “I’m Your Man”) was published in You’re Our Man, an anthology collected by the Foundation for Public Poetry. Proceeds from the sale of this anthology funded a Poet-in-Residence program at WHS, the inaugural resident being spoken word artist and poet, Moe Clark, in 2010. As a teacher, Ryan sees his role as one of mentorship, to help students share their authentic self with the world: “When students share their writing or recite poetry in class, they experience the immediate impact of their actions and a real feeling of accomplishment. These are some of the moments that make my work the most rewarding; I get a glimpse of the adult they are becoming…”
Mr. Ruddick is also the Advanced Placement Program coordinator for WHS, a program, which in his words, “helps students manage their time management, deepen their content knowledge, and improve their reading comprehension and study skills. But more importantly, their teachers and classmates encourage each other to discover where their personal passions and academic interests intersect.” What Ryan appreciates most about the Advanced Placement program at WHS is that the students in AP classes reflect the diversity of the school as a whole, while also highlighting the characteristics WHS students have in common—their genuine curiosity and the pride in their collective efforts. “For me, our staff and students are like a dynamic snapshot of Montreal’s vast and vibrant multilingual community.”

Andri Meades
Math Teacher (Juniors & Seniors) :
Our November Featured Teacher
Mr. Meades graduated with a Bachelor of Education from McGill University and has been teaching math at WHS for 13 years. He loves the subject matter because of its logic and multiple approaches to problem-solving. He transmits his problem-solving skills to students by using tricks and dispels the fear and abstract view of math students have by explaining, (referring to integers), “I really try to show students they already know these things…my job is to show them…that (math) it’s everywhere and that they use math all the time.” He is the chair of Staff Council, curling team coach and for many years stayed up all night to cook for the WHS Family Breakfast every December. He has organized donation campaigns to women’s shelter Women Aware and has been the catalyst for student workshops on healthy relationships organized with the admin every November. He continues to demonstrate his vested interest in students’ well-being as the staff coordinator for the anti-bullying campaign and the Tell Them From Me Survey. His collated data supports Behaviour Technicians Tari Galea and CJ Turner’s Leadership work with all grade levels. The self-proclaimed math nerd says, “I love my job because I have the opportunity to make a positive impact every day…Teaching is about the relationships you build. Kids need to know they’re welcome and accepted.” Mr. Meades is always connecting with students up and down the hallways making every student smile and feel they belong each and every day at WHS.

Mel Bergevin :
Our October Featured Teacher
Melissa Bergevin is one of our veteran teachers. After completing a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and English and a Bachelor of Education from Bishop’s University, Ms. Bergevin joined the Westmount High School team 19 years ago. She is a Cycle I Core teacher in English, History, and Geography describes with pride that WHS is a family where everyone feels welcome. It is this sense of inclusion and acceptance that resonated so profoundly with Ms. Bergevin that led her to study sign language four years ago to communicate with a hearing impaired student so they felt included and valued. Fostering creativity and making strong connections are the focus of her teaching philosophy so students feel they are a valued part of the WHS family. She has also been one of the Student Council Advisors for 18 years and says, “I love council because kids who are looking for a place to belong often find their place on the Student Council. These students are encouraged to be themselves, make friends, all while daring to make a difference in their school community.”

Victor Thomasson:
Our September Featured Teacher
Mr. Thomasson’s love of science started at an early age through a keen interest in critters, camping, birding, fungi and catching frogs and snakes. His passion for exploring the natural world led him to pursue a Bachelor in Wildlife Biology from McGill University followed by a Master in Biology (Conservation) at the University of Ottawa where his thesis work examined conservation efforts of the Eastern Hognose snake, a threatened species in Ontario. He then completed his Bachelor in Education from the University of Ottawa with the goal of fostering his passion for science in his students. Mr. Thomasson teaches grades 7, 8 and 9 science at WHS and explains his love of learning, “I don’t just teach science. A lot of my life involves science… I take care of my geckos, I garden, go camping with my family…. I’m really passionate about what I teach.” He most enjoys taking students on science related field trips, doing labs and projects where he transmits his excitement for science to his students. He has also been known to bring in some of his animals to class, such as geckos and tortoises, to teach concepts such as evolution and natural selection.
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