COVID-19 Newsletter #1 (Back-to-School Edition) - EMSB Update for Parents on Back-to-School information

The back-to-school guidelines presented in this newsletter are based on the latest Ministry and public health directives. As the situation evolves, EMSB is committed to sharing further updates to parents and students in a timely manner.
For some, the excitement about returning to school is this year replaced by a feeling of anxiety due to the unusual circumstances brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rest assured that the school board and school principals and their teams have been working tirelessly over the last months to plan for back-to-school with health and safety as the number one consideration.
In this newsletter as well as in future editions, you will find details regarding the latest Ministry of Education's directives and public health guidelines, as well as answers to some of the most frequently received questions from parents and students.
By Monday August 25th, every EMSB school will communicate logistical details such as physical access to the school, lockers, recess periods, lunch periods, transportation, and much more.
Let’s all work together to keep our kids safe and not let COVID-19 get in the way of helping our students reach their full potential!
Schools Reopen August 31st
All EMSB schools and centres will reopen on Monday, August 31st, 2020. Depending on their grade level, different back-to-school protocols have been determined by the Ministry of Education.
To see the guidelines that apply to your child’s grade level, consult the Ministry of Education protocols here.
Reinforced Hygiene Measures
Due to the current situation, we are required to increase hygiene measures in order to keep our students and staff safe from the spread of the virus.
The following measures have been adopted:
- Regular handwashing: at the beginning and end of the day, before and after meals, and before and after breaks and recess periods
- Face masks: must be worn by preschool teachers, staff members working with students with disabilities, and vocational training teachers. Masks temporarily worn by certain staff members in close contact with students during interventions
- Janitorial services: cleaning and disinfection that complies with the Guide d’intervention prévention et contrôle des infections dans les services de garde et écoles du Québec (MSSS, 2015)
- Emergency kits: provided and ready to be used in response to a suspected case of COVID-19 in a school; the kits contain a mask, a visor, a smock (gown), gloves and alcohol-based hand sanitizer
Frequently Asked Questions
In addition to the general FAQ section of the EMSB website, we have developed a COVID-19-specfic FAQ to address some of the most frequent questions regarding back-to-school.
Answers will be regularly updated as new or updated public health and Ministry guidelines become available.
Your question was not answered here? Feel free to get in touch with your EMSB team.
How to Wear Your Mask to Protect Yourself and Protect Others
According to public health authorities, wearing your fabric or surgical mask effectively is critical to ensure its effectiveness.
The World Health Organization has published a simple three-minute how-to video worth watching. We recommend you have a look!