COVID-19 Newsletter #2 (Back-to-School Edition) - Updated Back-to-School Guidelines

Welcome to our second special COVID-19 newsletter, where you will find details regarding the latest Ministry of Education's directives and public health guidelines, as well as answers to some of the most frequently received questions from parents and students. By Monday August 24th, every EMSB school will communicate logistical details such as physical access to the school, lockers, recess periods, lunch periods, and much more!
Updated Back-to-School Guidelines
The EMSB will continue to implement COVID-19 government protocols, including new measures announced earlier this week by Quebec Education Minister Jean-François Roberge, in preparation of the first day of classes.
Please see our press release on our latest back to school protocols.
In this newsletter, you will find the latest available back-to-school information with links to some of the most recent documents from the Ministry of Education and public health authorities.
In addition, we invite you to have a look at our COVID-19/back-to-school FAQ, which is regularly updated to feature the most current information. It currently features over 50 questions and answers.
Should you have additional questions, please contact us.
Medical Exemptions for Students
It is recommended that students with specific medical conditions which make them more vulnerable to COVID-19, as confirmed by a physician, do not attend school in person. For these students, distance education will be provided.
As per Ministry directives, distance education will also be available for students residing at the same address with a parent or relative with a medical condition confirmed by a physician.
We will be receiving detailed guidelines from public health authorities. More information will follow.
Message from the Minister
The Minister of Education has issued a letter for parents of pre-school, elementary and secondary school students, detailing his back-to-school protocols.
Here is a letter from the Minister.
Here is an overview of his plan for reopening schools.
COVID-19 Procedures to Follow
The Ministry and public health authorities have developed a procedure to instruct both parents and school personnel on how to deal with students presenting symptoms. For these details and to learn more about what to do if there are cases of students who test positive for COVID-19 click here.
At Home: Which Symptoms to Look for and What Actions to Take
Public health authorities want students presenting one or more symptoms to stay home and to call 1-877-644-4545 for instructions. When a student stays home, we ask that parents also contact the school.
To find out more, including the list of symptoms to look for, we invite you to click here.
ABCs of a Safe Start to the Year
For preschool and elementary schools please read this document.
For high schools please read this document.
Ministry of Education Back-to-School Portal
The Ministry has developed a centralized information portal at en/education/back-to-school-plan-fall-covid-19/.
It contains a FAQ section, COVID-19 procedures, grade-level specific information, and other downloadable tools and resources. We recommend you have a look as it is regularly updated.