COVID-19 Update

Although Quebec Public Health officials have lifted recommendations for individuals receiving a COVID-19 positive result to isolate for five days, the virus is still circulating. We must remain vigilant and proactive to protect our students and staff.
As such, all individuals who present flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, diarrhea, vomiting) must stay at home. They may return to school/work if they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours (without medication) and when their general health condition permits. They should wear a mask until symptoms have disappeared. Individuals who have COVID-19 must wear a mask and should maintain their distance from others for 10 days.
You are reminded to continue monitoring your (or your child’s) symptoms. If you (or your child) develop(s) symptoms of COVID-19, a rapid test should be taken (except for those who had COVID-19 in the last two months.)
Masks will continue to be available for students who need or wish to wear one. Self-tests will be distributed in the next few weeks to be used at home by anyone showing COVID-19 symptoms. We will also continue enforcing precautionary measures to ensure our schools remain safe. Hand sanitizing stations are posted in key locations and highly touched surfaces are cleaned frequently.
We work closely with Public Health and will keep you informed as we get more information.
We thank you for helping us keep our schools safe.